Let’s Be Bad Guys: Pirates Available for Dungeon Crawl Classics!
Let’s Be Bad “Guys” Pirates

Welcome to October! We have two releases scheduled for this month. The first was published today, Let’s Be Bad “Guys:” Pirates! In it the players are a crew of ship-less, captain-less sailors (Ship, Captain, Crew!) who want to a life of infamy. They decide the best way to start a pirate life is to… steal a ship! Luckily, there’s a perfect target in the harbor already! Now, they just have to investigate, formulate a plan, and then execute that plan. The adventure is available in PDF in our store for $6.99.
Investigate – Formulate Plan – Execute Plan
Players are on a crew that has been assembled for a grand theft nautical scheme. They’re all crew, no ship and maybe no captain. The crew decided the best way to get more fame and fortune is to simply…steal a ship. Now, no pirate worth their salt would break The Pirate Code, and steal from other pirates. So, they have decided to steal a ship that is not property of a pirate, and there’s just such a ship anchored in the harbor today, The Sereneco! While it’s crew is secretive and the ship’s design is odd, it’s the best target in the harbor.
The Quest
The first step is GATHER INFO & MAKE A PLAN. Get to the ship, steal the ship, get out to sea, take your first prize. Huzzah! You’re Pirates now! Unless you’re dead, then you might be warriors in the undead army of the Sea Witch, or Umwansh Lord of the Tides or Pelagia, Queen of the Seas… but that’s another adventure and another story.
This funnel suggests 4 PCs per player using the Pirates Occupation table we have included.
We at 2OG games love a good nautical adventure. We even successfully Kickstarted a big, gonzo funnel called Sinking the Stercorarius. We realize that some people may not be into that sort of weird genre-bending story and simply want something… else. So, we have taken pieces of some things we’ve written and we’ve turned it into a different sort of funnel. In this adventure we’ll make characters with piratical tendencies, send them out to secure a ship, and then sail that ship into some further action. It’s only a wee bit gonzo since the ship is akin to an old Spelljammer.
2OG DCC Quick Crawls
Quick Crawls are perfect for in-person or online play and include maps and tokens to facilitate that. Additionally, the Two-Hour Tales work well online as we have found that people begin to fade or lose focus after around 2.5-3 hours. These DCC Quick Crawls, as we call them, will be PDFs only.
Each Quick Crawl will have at least one map, several tokens and a complete three-part adventure. All NPCs will have a Strategy section so Judges get insight into how they act and fight. We will break out all new spells, creatures and items into reference cards. This will help the Judge run the Two-Hour Tales by giving them all the info they need for each specific encounter in the Quick Crawl.
Additionally, each Quick Crawl leads into longer campaigns after the Two-Hour Tale with our Further Adventures section which gives ideas on how to continue along a specific story line. Later Two-Hour Tales can be dropped in as side quests or events in between major campaign action.